Saturday, November 13, 2010


A sketch I've been working on the New Adventures character Slushhead.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blastar- redsign challenge

Another redesign challenge from Predabot in the forums. Check out all the other cool redesigns:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Orc girl vs Criosphinx

Welcome to the world of tomorrow!!! In which you will find the likes of orc chicks in Metal Gear Solid like outfits fighting mystical beasts like, well like the Criosphinx for example.

This here illustration was a fast paced rollercoaster ride competition. My buddy Predabot from forums and I hooked up to make a cover for a Swedish fanzine. And here is the pencils.

If you can read Swedish feel free to vote on this website:

And if you can please vote in my place as well, as long as you vote for our cover.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Here are a few drawings I did a while back for the yet to occur redesign challenge on the forums. Enjoy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hey all, here is the 3D model I did for my last class. The one that I had to make up because my stupid computer died on me. Got a "D" in that class. But I made it none the less. Must keep practicing.


One Eye One Eye One Eye One Eye

This was done with my own two hands, Photoshop, and 3D studio max. Ain't he cute?